Friday, February 11, 2011

From the General's Paw

Time for an update!

My Mom took the attached photo on Sunday night before my surgery on Monday. One last time to destroy the evil enemy--a roll of Charmin. She talked to me about what was in store, but she didn't tell me everything. I went to Hillcrest Animal Hospital on Monday morning. The rest is a blur. I was supposed to stay for two nights but with the blizzard coming, my Mom picked me up on Tuesday afternoon. Offering hugs, kisses and a lot of love, she was so happy to take me home.

I must admit, I'm treated pretty well. She warms my towels in the dryer, I've been given "can" food during my recovery and I get lots of treats during the day and LOTS of LOVE. Everyone thinks I'm pretty special.

I think it's time for a nap. Mom...where's my warm towel?

General T. J. Churchill